[*] The Hearing Conservation Training Program

[*] The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that, each day, approximately 5.2 million workers in American industries are exposed to excessive or near excessive noise levels in the workplace -- 100% of the permissible exposure level (PEL) of 90 dBA during a continuous 8-hour period.

OSHA's Occupational Noise Standard (29 CFR 1910.95) and Hearing Conservation Amendment establish permissible exposure levels, and require employers to reduce employee exposures to those levels by use of adequate engineering and administrative controls, or through the use of appropriate hearing protection.

These regulations require companies to implement an ongoing, effective hearing conservation program. The Hearing Conservation Amendment states that all workers receiving noise exposures at or above the established "action level" (50% of the PEL) are to be included in a comprehensive hearing conservation program comprised of five basic elements: exposure monitoring, audiometric testing, hearing protection, employee training, and record keeping.

Interactive Media Communication's Hearing Conservation Training Program was developed in association with U.S. Steel, to meet the training requirements set down by OSHA. The course is designed so that an employee can easily move through the information required under the OSHA standard while at the same time increasing understanding of how noise can damage hearing.

The program focuses on how noise in industry and everyday life influences hearing loss. Employees learn about the chronic dangers of noise and the precautions they can take to protect their hearing.

The course demonstrates proper fitting and handling of hearing protectors, and procedures used to test for hearing loss. The program provides in-depth information on audiometric testing, administrative and engineering controls, recordkeeping, and other hearing-related topics.

[*]Course Content:

The Hearing Conservation Training Program includes one VHS videotape that covers the following material (Item # 3605-1):

[*] Like the CD-ROM, IMC's VHS videotape version of the Hearing Conservation Training Program contains the same engaging dramatizations of real-life scenarios with live action video and audio, high quality graphics and animation.

The accompanying Study Guide (Item # 3047) contains practice questions and exercises to test the learner's understanding of the material presented throughout the course, as well as additional reference material.

This VHS videotape product is normally sold in NTSC format. Contact IMC for PAL format.

For more information, please contact:

Interactive Media Communications, Inc.
Email: imc@safetysite.com

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