Hazards Analysis:
The "What If" Technique Training Program
To address this need, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) passed The Process Safety Management Standard (29 CFR 1910.119). This regulation requires companies to implement a formalized plan for identifying and correcting potential deficiencies in their operations.
Interactive Media Communications, in association with IBM, has developed
Hazards Analysis: The "What If" Technique (Item # 3604-1),
a VHS-videotape/workbook-based training program that gives employees the
knowledge to perform a "What If" Hazards Analysis on their own
process and work practices.
Hazards Analysis is a proactive safety investigation method used to detect unsafe designs, procedures, and work conditions. Employees at all levels in plant operations, maintenance, engineering, and management are trained in an approved system safety technique. They learn how to perform their own safety reviews to systematically identify deficiencies and prevent potential accidents and disasters.
Students receive detailed training in the "What If" Technique, one of the most widely used system safety methods and an approved method for compliance with the recently enacted OSHA Standard. They learn how to investigate the consequences of mechanical failures and human errors, how to determine probability and severity, how to estimate risk level, and how to make recommendations on actions to reduce risk to acceptable levels.
IMC's VHS videotape version of the Hazards Analysis: The "What
If" Technique Training Program contains engaging dramatizations of
real-life scenarios with live action video and audio, high quality graphics
and animation.
The accompanying Student Workbook (Item # 3046) contains practice questions and exercises to test the learner's understanding of the material presented throughout the course, as well as additional reference material.
This VHS videotape product is normally sold in NTSC format. Contact IMC for PAL format.