Features of IMC Multimedia Training Programs
IMC's programs offer the following important features:
- There are certain key ingredients that must be present in
order for a multimedia program to be an effective training solution.
Full-motion MPEG digital video on CD-ROM or
- Research has shown that dramatic live-action video scenarios can
be an extremely effective tool in stimulating learner interest and retention
of instructional material. To achieve this result, live-action digital
video should not be "jerky," unclear or out-of-focus, or displayed
in a small window on the screen. IMC's high-quality, MPEG digital video
run at 30 frames-per-second ("full-motion") video on the screen
-- without distracting control buttons to clutter the screen -- even on
your company's old existing Pentium 133 PC systems.
Sound instructional design
- Unlike videotape programs which are designed to give all viewers
identical information in a linear format, interactive multimedia programs
should take full advantage of branching and remediation paths to create
a customized learning path for each student. This means you should avoid
programs that are based on repurposed videotape, because they offer limited
branching capabilities. IMC designs its courses from the ground up, in
order to maximize the functionality of the training format. There are several
layers of remediation in IMC's programs, including immediate feedback of
test questions and after-test review. We reinforce the objectives throughout
the course, and present real life applications of the material.
Accurate and up-to-date content
- You want your training programs to reflect current regulations and
standards. You also want the dramatizations to show current methods and
equipment, not outdated models. IMC programs are developed in conjunction
with leading independent experts and Fortune 500 companies. Each IMC courses
has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest compliance
and regulatory information.
Administrative features
- At the very least, you should be able to print reports of training
records. But what about setting passing scores, letting students skip sections
or test out of the program if they show mastery of the material, or making
the pre-test optional? Good programs offer a lot of administrative flexibility.
IMC's newest administration utility -- TRACS -- gives you unparalleled
registration, reporting, and setup capabilities.
- Off-the-shelf programs do not always provide the total training
solution you need. It is important that you have the ability to easily
and seamlessly combine the interactive program material with supplemental
material you already have. You don't have time to learn computer programming
just to insert a few lines about your company's safety policy. IMC's new
customization utility -- ICE III -- makes customization easy. This menu
driven program lets you add, delete, or change course material at almost
any point in the course!
Book marking
- What happens if your employee begins the course and has to leave?
Does he/she have to start at the beginning next time or remember where
he/she was? Not with IMC programs. Our book marking feature enables students
to complete the course in multiple sessions, quickly returning them to
where they left off in the program.
Technical support and documentation
- When you buy a new program, you want to have more than just installation
instructions. That's why IMC courses come with a comprehensive Courseware
Administrator's Guide, which not only covers installation, but explains
all of the settings, functions, and controls in the program. And our professional
technical support staff can assist you with any hardware or IMC courseware
questions you may have.
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