The Hearing
Conservation Training Program
A comprehensive, full-motion multimedia training program from Interactive Media
Communications designed to help companies effectively reduce the risk of
hearing loss from overexposure to noise. Text, graphics, audio, and video
are combined to create realistic scenarios employees can relate to.
Designed to meet the OSHA Occupational Noise Standard (29 CFR 1910.95)
and Hearing Conservation Amendment.
Covers dangers of overexposure to noise, temporary and permanent hearing
loss, audio metric testing, and hearing protection.
Includes specialized administrative software to track each student's
progress, stores a permanent record of their training, and generates detailed
printed reports.
Developed with the participation of U.S. Steel.
Available in CD-ROM and videotape/study guide formats.
Course Outline:
This one-disc CD-ROM course includes a short, "Compliance" track and
a longer "Comprehensive" track. (Item # 3305-A)
Lesson 1: Course Introduction
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Lesson Summary
Lesson 2: Noise and Hearing
Technical Terms
How the Ear Works
Temporary and Permanent Hearing Loss
Lesson Summary
Lesson 3: Noise Standards
Types of Noise
Types of Hearing Loss
Federal Regulations
Lesson Summary
Lesson 4: Hearing Conservation Programs
Noise Measurements
Measuring Hearing Loss
Solving Hearing Problems
Hearing Protectors
Keeping Records
Lesson Summary
Designed to highlight those areas which may require additional review.
For more information, please contact:
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