[*] The Electrostatic Discharge Control Training Program

[*] A comprehensive, multimedia training program from Interactive Media Communications to help your company effectively control unnecessary damage from electrostatic discharge. Full-motion, video, audio, text, and graphics are combined to create an engaging, effective training program. The program is currently in use at many corporations and institutions throughout the world including Motorola, Western Digital, Lucent Technology, and IBM.


[*]Course Outline:

This one disc CD-ROM course is available in an MPEG version (Item # 3307-A) as well as an AVI version (Item # 3707-A). Both include a summary and exercises on the topics listed.

Lesson 1: Static Electricity

Lesson 2: Electrostatic Discharge

Lesson 3: Generation of Static Electricity

Lesson 4: Personal Grounding

Lesson 5: Storage and Handling of ESD-Sensitive Components

Lesson 6: ESD Protection in the Plant

Lesson 7: ESD Protection in the Field


Designed to highlight those areas which may require additional review.

For more information, please contact:

Interactive Media Communications, Inc.
Email: imc@safetysite.com

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